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1.3.- PChem News

A list of specific news related to the Pine Chemicals business from newest to oldest. Also, please check the LinkedIn Pine Chemicals Network for broader news and information about this business.

** 2024 **

** 2023 **

31 DEC 2023 – Bioeconomía | Brasil y Argentina se posicionan a nivel global como la cuenca más eficiente en rendimiento y actividad de extracción de resina de pino

Patricia Escobar, Argentina Forestal

1 NOV 2023 – Ingevity announces further repositioning of its Performance Chemicals business, including the closure of its DeRidder, Louisiana, facility and additional company-wide cost reduction actions

Ingevity press release

3  OCT 2023 – Resina á carta para revalorizar a produción

Campo Galego / FORÉSIN

24 JUL 2023 – Revista Foresta – Spain

Dedicated to the production and industrialization of pine oleoresin.

18 MAR 2023 –¿Cuánta resina puede dar un monte?

Xosé María Palacios, La Voz de Galicia

10 MAR 2023 –“Os efectos da resinación sobre o piñeiro son moi pequenos e ás veces incluso son positivos”

Campo Galego

** 2022 **

12 DEC 2022 – Hay más demanda de resina de pino que oferta, por lo que los derivados de hidrocarburos cubren ese hueco

Campo Gallego

10 NOV 2022 – A Produção de Pine Chemicals Brasileira

Alex Cunningham & Bernardo Mello – BPCI

“… Além da madeira, os pinus são fonte de uma série de produtos químicos de grande importância para nossas vidas. Celulose, hemicelulose e lignina são a espinha dorsal da indústria de celulose e papel. …”

“… Desde hace un poco más de un mes la producción de resina (que se extrae de plantaciones de pino elliotti) en Corrientes y Misiones se ha visto enormemente afectada por causas que al principio se desconocían por ser novedad absoluta. …”

** 2021 **

1 JUN 2021 – 2021 Chinese Gum Rosin Trade Conference

Alex Cunningham – alex@alexcunningham.com.br

“… On May 20, 2021, the annual meeting of the Chinese Forest Chemicals Association was held in Guangzhou, GD, China. Li Yi, the Secretary-General of the Chinese Forest Chemicals Association, has been organizing the event since 2003. Almost 200 participants attended this face-to-face meeting that had presenters from China and abroad. …”

APR 2021 – 2020 Chinese Import and Export Balance

Alex Cu1nningham – alex@alexcunningham.com.br

“… China’s pine chemicals import and export trade balance for 2020 moved into negative territory for the first time with import values outpacing export values. The trade balance for 2018, and 2019 were positive at $9.5 million, and $72.6 million, respectively. We expect that the negative trade balance will steadily grow in the years to come. …”

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