This is the place to find Brazilian customs statistics about exports of Pine Oleoresin (BOPR), Gum Rosin (BGR), Gum Turpentine (BGT), Rosin Resins (BRR), and Hydrocarbon Resins (BHCR).
Prices and volumes are updated by Brazilian customs on the first week of the following month to whom the data corresponds.
Each graph has a date showing the last update date.
For each pine chemical product, we have graphed it on three-time scales:
- Last 20 years.
- Since 2016, a tipping point was when Brazilian Gum Rosin Exports (BGRE) surpassed Chinese Gum Rosin Exports (CGRE).
- After COVID. In fact, in this case, the graph also covers the year 2019.
In the code, we use the standard commercial name Oleo Pine Resin (OPR) to refer to Pine Oleoresin.
Brazil exports volumes of Pine Oleoresin